Noise (A Short Story)

Let me tell you a story, about things that I completely hate. People, Noises, Sex and Laughter. Screaming, Fear, and the sound of a body being beaten.
And yet... Here I am, alone in the dark.
Music played in the hallway on the otherside of where they had locked me away. I could constantly hear that shrieked laughter. It echoed in my ears. I know that I should scream... But my throat and voice is dry from the lack of water and the hours of calling out. And Yet nobody seemed to care. People are selfish. Many of my kidnappers were once friends, who became jealous from my own peace of mind. And the boys... Or men...
The black man has changed into a dog whilst a white man has feasted on my body like a pig. And to think that I once claimed one of them as mine, but then he changed. I should have fled at the earlier signs.
God! Stop the noise... Of laughter, fuckin', music, and screaming. I can't take it any more.
And at the end of it all I know that at school, they'll call me slut or whore, tell me that I don't know what I am talking about,then, abuse me, and hunt me down. I think that I am broken. My body is ready to colaspe. But the noises... The noises are everywhere, and making me go mad. Perhaps, the noise is what is keeping me going. Perhaps...
Shut UP! Let me out of here, please. God, please take me somewhere else. A place of peace and silence...
No more cackling of witches or barking of dogs. No more laughter, squeaks, squeals or any other type of noise.
I sigh to myself, and to look around the room. My eyes carefully scan for a way out, and finally scout out something in the distance.
In shadow I see it, a gun. Laying on top of a table against the far wall. My eyes stare at it as if it was a miracle handed to me.
It whispers to me, and I know that I can hear its lies. And yet, its so clean and smooth. I glance at the trigger, and look deep into the gun barrel.
Shhhhhhhhhhh, it tells me, silence. The hole leads to silence, this trigger is the button to silence.
I hear the doorbell ring outside. The ring echoes in my head. I hear the girls outside stop laughing ,and I hear the guys lighten their footsteps as they creep to the door. I look back to the gun, and slowly crept closer to my silent fantasy.
I hear russling outside, voices are screaming. I hear a crash outside.
Still desperately trying to block out the sounds I take a few more steps closer until I gazed down at my sancuary.
The door behind slammed open just as I started to place the gun to my face. But I refuse to turn back...
I pull the trigger, and...
Its empty! A hand snatched the gun away from my hands, and spun me around. I looked up to see my brother's face with tears in his eyes. I saw his eyes scan my body in shock at the sight of me.
My clothes were thrashed and torn. My mouth was dry and my body bruised.
It was three days since I last saw my brother, three days of being trapped in this room. Left alone to hear and see the horror being done to me.
He didn't saw anything. He only pulled me closer and rocked me back and forth. And for once I was at peace... and in silence.
by Pinky White
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